The need

Puberty brings with it many physical and social changes for girls and boys.

The onset of puberty introduces many physical, emotional, and social changes for girls and boys, such as managing menstruation and wet dreams, and being treated as a young adult.  Yet many girls and boys know nothing about these changes before they happen. Girls frequently share how they thought they were sick or dying the first time they saw their menstrual blood. And boys describe thinking their first wet dream was a deadly disease, yet believed it would be ‘unmanly’ or rude to seek out reassurance.  Social norms and stigma prevent many girls and boys from asking questions, due to secrecy or fear of punishment.

Lack of information can negatively impact girls’ and boys’ confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing.  They may experience shame, anxiety and embarrassment which can impact participation in school, communities and religious centers. Over time, adolescents are more vulnerable to early marriage, gender inequality and violence.

Grow & Know creates puberty books to empower girls and boys about their changing bodies, enabling them to feel confident as they grow up!
